Category:  Middle-Grade Non-Fiction (Ages 8-12),  42 pages
Genre:  This is actually both fiction and non-fiction – Non-Fiction Children’s Earth Sciences Books (Books) Fiction – in Children’s Dragon, Unicorn & Mythical Stories
Content Rating:  G for everyone.




Book Description:

Are your kids ready for the magic of science? The Metal Horn Unicorn Tribe and their techno-magical unicorn friends from Unimaise are the perfect group to familiarize them with metals and other elements in the Periodic Table. Their theme is No Metal, No Magic…and No Technology.

Alumna starts out this elemental alphabet book by introducing the very necessary metal, Aluminum, on her element page. Dr. Zinko rounds out the alphabet by presenting facts and other fun information about the metal, Zinc, on his. Other members of the Metal Horn Tribe, plus some of their magical elemental friends, will give some great insight into the properties of 23 additional pure metals from the periodic table.

There is one special unicorn in the book whose horn and hooves are an alloy created by combining Copper and Zinc. Cornum, the Brass-Horned unicorn will reveal some interesting things about that metal.

Readers will love learning some magical and sciencey facts with the Metal Horn Unicorn Tribe. A unicorn-themed periodic table, trading cards representing each of the 26 unicorns and their elements plus fun lesson cards and more are also available as printable downloads. Kids will have fun singing along with the No Metal, No Magic song, too. Learn more about all the elements in this book at

Author Sybrina Durant

Meet the Author:

Sybrina Durant is a unicorn author/entrepreneur. In addition to books, she offers unicorn-themed activities, t-shirts, and more. Plus, she has pulled together a collection of nearly all the unicorn books available today from hundreds of authors. They are categorized on her website by Little Kid, Middle Kid, and Teen Unicorn Books.

connect with the author: 


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