Genre: Children’s Fiction
Content Rating: G:The story follows Daisy during an afternoon at her grandparents house making snacks, planting the garden, playing cards, and enjoying the warmth and love of her grandparents.
Welcome to Grammie and Pupa’s House!
The door is always open and everyone is welcome in as the smell of fresh baked pies and cookies lingers in the kitchen air. So, pour a cup of tea and sit down and relax. It is my pleasure to share with you a day in the life of Grammie and Pupa as seen through the eyes of their granddaughter, Daisy.
I was born in a small New England town. Growing up I lived just two houses away from my grandparents, and spent countless days hanging out with Grammie and Pupa playing games and gardening. I loved flowers, and still do. I would roam the fields picking wild Lupine, Queen Anne’s Lace, and, of course, Daisies. This book is a legacy to my grandparents, a way of saying thank you for the sweet memories. May you make sweet memories with your little ones as you read this book with them.
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