Category: Adult Fiction, 228 pages
Genre:  Women’s Fiction
Content Rating: PG-13 + M: issues of suicide, some strong language, death

An unexpected friendship changes everything for two women facing the hardest challenges life can dish up.

Cranky, aging newspaper publisher Anne Canfield is determined to live forever, no matter what. Young, brilliant writer and teacher Indira Anand thinks she wants to die. But the winter morning Anne saves Indira Anand from drowning, everything changes.

​When Anne is diagnosed with incurable brain cancer and has only months to live, she must hurry to save her newspaper, heal her regrets, keep her secrets hidden, and protect her son from the truth before time runs out. Indira, thwarted by both the law and her distant husband but desperate to escape the pain she watched her grandmother endure, wavers about her decision. Out of options, Indira reaches out to Anne, and they make a pact to help each other. Now it’s just a question of time.

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Award-winning writer and journalist, Ginny Fite has been a journalist, a spokesperson for a governor and for a member of Congress, held posts in higher education institutions, and a robotics R&D company. Writing about ordinary people who grapple with extraordinary circumstances, her eight novels span the genres of mystery, thriller, adventure, and women’s fiction. ​

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