Category: Adult Fiction, 300 pages
Genre: Literary / Women’s Fiction / Crime / Mystery
Content Rating: R (Two bedroom scenes)
Chanterelles garnished with cream and mayhem.
Tantalizing…alluring…satisfyingly luscious Women’s Fiction—San Francisco Book Review
Cooking a sumptuous meal is an act of love. An act of grace. An art and passion Gina inherits from her grandfather —a French chef felled by a robber’s bullet.
Raised in a marginal neighborhood, she’s keen to taste life in the world where she’s been chosen to cook. A scintillating world of wealth and privilege, great food, new challenges and fascinating friends.
But beneath this new world, unexpected danger lurks. Gina’s passion for cooking is all she has to help her navigate it.
Amidst her culinary adventures, she befriends the pastry chef, worldly loyal Marcia. She falls in love in different ways with two very different men. Leon, a playboy, is rich, charming, and carefree but honest, complicated, and devoted to his legacy.
Serious and idealistic Brent is a lawyer turned brooding detective. Haunted by the many violent crimes he has worked on, he prefers to be alone.
Can the lessons Gina learned about cooking and life help her survive and thrive in this other world of privilege, pleasure, and menace?

Evy Journey writes. Stories. Blogs (three sites). Cross-genre novels. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse (an ambler).
Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois) initially to help her understand herself and Dostoevsky. Now, she spins tales about multicultural characters dealing with problems and issues of contemporary life. She believes in love and its many faces.
Just as she has crossed genres in writing fiction, she has also crossed cultures, having lived and traveled in various cities in different countries. Find her thoughts on travel, art, and food at Artsy Rambler.
She has one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She visits and stays a few months when she can.
connect with the author: website ~ blog ~ facebook ~ pinterest ~ bookbub ~ goodreads

Sounds good.
Thanks for sharing, sounds like a good book